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What is AI for the People

Established in 2019, the AI for the People Center joins and coordinates the multitude of AI activities across all four faculties at Aalborg University.

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The center currently has more than 140 members and is rapidly growing as AI technologies penetrate one research discipline after another. The center's name signifies that the focus is not only on technical AI but also on the influence AI solutions will have on individuals and society and how this should be governed. Such ethico-legal aspects can and should not be researched in isolation but jointly with AI technologies. Therefore, the multidisciplinary nature of the center is the core to its success. To this end, the center includes all four faculties at AAU: Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Medicine.

Alongside research, the center is dedicated to enhancing the competencies of all researchers and students in AI and data science. The center has also established a strong entity, CLAAUDIA, which provides AI Services to researchers and students by hosting and processing large volumes of data. This central hub allows us to conduct AI and data-driven research in a secure, efficient, and GDPR-compliant manner in collaboration with external partners. Lastly, the center addresses the need for companies and the public sector to have direct and easy access to the latest knowledge in AI technologies and their ethico-legal aspects. This is achieved through a one-stop-shop approach, simplifying contact and collaboration.

The purpose of the center is to

  • Coordinate and conduct excellent AI research at Aalborg University
  • Educate the next generation of AI researchers and students
  • Provide efficient AI services to researchers and students
  • Establish fruitful collaborations with the industry and the public sector